Winford Franklin graduated from Florida State University with post-graduate work at the University of Wisconsin, Vandercook College of Music, Jacksonville University, and Illinois State University. Mr. Franklin retired in 2008 from the Clay County Florida Public Schools System after an impressive 43 years of teaching high-school band. Through the years he has performed in or conducted ten community bands as well as conducted church choirs, and performed in church orchestras and handbell choirs. Franklin has served as clinician and adjudicator for concert and marching band festivals throughout the southeastern United States. Bands under his direction have won over six hundred awards and championships at concert and marching band festivals in nine states. Franklin has twice been named to the “Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers” and was the recipient of the “Spotlight On Education Award” by the Clay County Florida School Board. Franklin served the Florida Bandmasters Association as District Chairman and member of the State Executive Board. In 2008 he was the recipient of the Florida Bandmasters Association “Otto Kraushaar Award.” Franklin’s numerous professional and honorary organization memberships include: MENC, ASBDA, NBA, FBA, FMEA, Kappa Kappa Psi, and Phi Mu Alpha - Sinfonia.